SDCCH Blocking is a critical KPI that depicts the quality of optimization in a network as this KPI is mostlty controlled via soft optimization. The considerations for maintaining this KPI are as follows:
- SDCCH/TCH Availability %
- Many times, the SDCCH traffic is enough to be carried in defined channels, but still the blocking is high. This could be mostly due to momentary surge in traffic or site fluctutation causing blocks for a small portion of an hour, thereby averaging the traffic/availability in the hour.
- SDCCH Drops
- TA Analysis
- Interference (Co/Adjacent)
- TCH Congestion
- Equipment Failure
- Low output power
- SDCCH Channels/Traffic/Blocking (Erlang Table)
- SDCCH Addition (Static/Dynamic)
- SDCCH/TCH Conversion Timer
- Maximum SDCCH Channels Threshold
- Penalty Timer (Set PT = 31 of cell)
- Increase CRH (Cell Reselect Hysteresis) if cell is on LAC Boundary
- Directed Retry (Forced)